
Showing posts from August, 2016

Remove nail polish stains from clothes with easiest methods

Remove nail polish stains from clothes Step-by-step It has happened to many of us: we've been painting our nails and we've accidentally touched our clothes, and thus staining them with nail polish. Maybe we've accidentally spilled the nail polish container and stained our trousers, which have now got a horrible stain. But fear not, although the stain may look shocking, there are some useful tricks to get rid of them and make your clothes look like they're brand new. If you want toget rid of nail polish on clothes, this article will show you how. 1 The most common way of getting rid of nail polish on clothes is acetone. First, if the stain is recent, try to get rid of excess polish with a towel. If it's already dry, use a spatula or knife to take off as much excess polish as possible. Dampen cloth or cotton wool with acetone and clean a small area that is not visible to make sure the acetone doesn't damage your clothes. If everything's

How to introduce new born baby to ur pet

Introducing your newborn to your pet can go smoothly’if you’re prepared. While cats are not usually aggressive toward infants, they can be curious. Make the crib and playpen ‘no-cat zones’ even before the baby arrives. To make the whole room off-limits, install a temporary screen door, or trySsscat, a motion detector that sprays a non-toxic gas when the cat goes near it. What about dogs?  Some may have dominance issues. Dr. Sarah Machell, a veterinarian in Oakville, Ont., says, ‘Make sure your dog has training. That way, he’ll understand his role in the home’s hierarchy.’ She also recommends having a crate so he has a ‘safe haven’ from a crying newborn. Introduce baby sounds and smells: Invite friends over with their newborn, or turn on the mechanical swing. And use baby oil as a moisturizer. Maintain your dog’s walking routine and bring the baby along to help them bond. And with cats, ‘spend 15 minutes a day grooming or playing with them,’ says Machell. But it doesn’t always work out.

Cure mouth bad breath

Natural home remedies: Bad breath Is bad breath bogging you down? Here are some quick home remedies for a common problem BY TOPICSCAN Suppose you conduct a “breath test” as you head to an important encounter, and you flunk. Don’t worry—the following fast fixes can help tame your bad breath. If odour-causing bacteria seem to be fond of your gums, tongue and teeth, you’ll want to adopt some daily habits to inhibit these inhabitants. That’s when special rinses, attention to toothpaste and faithful brushing and flossing can begin making bad breath good.| Emergency measures for bad breath Dry mouth is a haven for the bacteria that cause bad breath. So find a tap, and swish the water around in your mouth. Water will temporarily dislodge bacteria and make your breath a bit more palatable.At the end of your power lunch or romantic dinner,munch the sprig of parsleythat’s left on your plate. Parsley is rich in chlorophyll, a known breath deodorizer with germ-fighting qualities. If you can get yo

Curing or stopping methods for hiccups

Best homely methods of curing or stopping hiccups for adults and kids. Emergency action in public places • Press the palm of your hand with the thumb of your other hand. The harder, the better. Alternatively, you can squeeze the ball of your left thumb between the thumb and forefinger of the right. The discomfort is a distraction that affects your nervous system and may put an end to the hiccups.(And you can do it under the table, without anyone staring at you.) • Take a deep breath and then hold it for a while. When there’s a buildup of carbon dioxide in your lungs, your diaphragm relaxes. • If you can retire from public view for a few minutes (‘Sorry–have to visit the restroom!’), stick your fingers in your ears for twenty or thirty seconds. Or press the soft areas behind your earlobes, just below the base of the skull. That sends a ‘relax’ signal through the vagus nerve, which connects to the diaphragm area. • As long as you’re out of sight,stick out your tongue. This rude-looking e

Cooking repair - decrease sourness, bitterness, saltness of a dish- tricks

It's happened to us all at one point or another: The dish you've cooked is too salty, too spicy, or perhaps just too...meh. The key to correcting—and preventing—this is balance, when all the flavors of the dish work in harmony. Here's what you should know so you can make fantastic dishes, whether you're working with a recipe or just winging it. The Science of Taste As you might recall from your old grade school science class, our tongues are sensitive to basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. Recently, the taste receptor for a fifth basic taste, umami (which means "savory" or "meaty" in Japanese), was discovered by the University of Miami after being heralded in Japanese cooking for centuries. (Ayurvedic cooking also includes two other tastes: pungent, which is hot and spicy like a chili pepper, and astringent, described as "dry and light as found in popcorn." The image above from WineFollyincludes fat as something to consider when p

Best methods of whitening teeth

6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth Affiliate Disclosure Almost 18% of us ‘usually conceal their teeth in photos.’  Having great teeth is very important in our culture today. Do you have yellow or discolored teeth? The sad truth is some people, no matter how many times they brush their teeth, have stained teeth from drinking coffee, tea, and or smoking. Your teeth are one of the first things people notice. They are a sign of health as well as confidence. When making a first impression, having teeth that look like you don’t brush them can send a signal that you don’t really care about yourself.  Who doesn’t want to have a beautiful smile with white sparkling teeth? The good news is I have 6 ways to naturally whiten teeth and some tips on How to Whiten yellow discolored teeth. 6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth 1. Brush After Drinking or Eating The best way, but not always the easiest is to simply brush your teeth after eating or drinking something. This takes a lot of persistence a

Cure your wrinkles and heal your face with easy homely method do not apply chemicals

Best Home Remedies or curing methods for Wrinkles Some people starting avoid or looking in the mirror when wrinkles start to multiply as they age. Wrinkles are caused by thin, sagging skin. They particularly appear on the face, neck, backs of hands, and tops of forearms. Wrinkles occur as part of the natural aging process, when the collagen and elastin in the connective tissue of the skin become weak and break down due to changes in fibroblasts that produce collagen and elastin. Premature or excess wrinkles can also be caused by factors like too much exposure to sunlight or harsh environments, smoking, use of certain drugs, excessive stress, sudden weight loss, loss of vitamin E, and genetic predisposition. There are many easy home remedies that will help reduce wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming. Here are the top 5 home remedies for removing or curing wrinkles.   1. Olive Oil Olive oil is a great massage oil for your skin. It is a good source of antioxidants, like vitamins A a

Get straight hairs with some houshold remedies no need of applying chemicals on your natural hairs

Home Remedies to Get Straight Hair                       U can straight your hair with houshold things theirs no need of applying chemical on your natural hairs In this article some best methods of straightening hairs r mentioned. Straight, shiny and smooth hair has always been in trend as it looks good on any face type. Also, straight hair can be worn free flowing or styled in numerous ways. People who are not blessed with naturally straight hair often turn to chemical treatments to get rid of unruly waves and curls. Many beauty salons offer hair-straightening services with immediate results. The finished look lasts for a limited time, perhaps for a year. But after one year, your hair will start showing the side effects of the harsh chemicals and heated tools used during the treatment. This can include dry hair, allergy on the scalp and hair loss. If you wish to have straight hair without damaging your lustrous locks, you can try some natural home remedies. There are some ingredients