Best methods of whitening teeth

6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

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Almost 18% of us ‘usually conceal their teeth in photos.’  Having great teeth is very important in our culture today. Do you have yellow or discolored teeth? The sad truth is some people, no matter how many times they brush their teeth, have stained teeth from drinking coffee, tea, and or smoking.

Your teeth are one of the first things people notice. They are a sign of health as well as confidence. When making a first impression, having teeth that look like you don’t brush them can send a signal that you don’t really care about yourself.  Who doesn’t want to have a beautiful smile with white sparkling teeth? The good news is I have 6 ways to naturally whiten teeth and some tips on How to Whiten yellow discolored teeth.

6 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

1. Brush After Drinking or Eating

The best way, but not always the easiest is to simply brush your teeth after eating or drinking something. This takes a lot of persistence and can even be kind of difficult depending on where you are at the time. Most food does not stain teeth, but if you are a coffee drinker or if you smoke, you can pretty much count on having discolored teeth from staining. If this is the case then having your teeth cleaned every three months may be in order, besides trying some of the natural remedies listed here.

2. Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

This works great as a natural teeth whitener. Many people confirm to the fact that it does make their teeth look whiter. Mix a small amount of hydrogen peroxide with a small amount of baking soda to make a paste. Brush your teeth as usual, making sure you brush those back teeth too. Hydrogen peroxide is an anti-bacterial agent and works great as a total mouth and gum cleaner and keeps the mouth free of germs.

Baking soda is a gritty substance like sandpaper so be careful that you have enough hydrogen peroxide mixed in with the soda because if you don’t it can very well scrub the enamel right off your teeth and enamel does not grow back. The paste should not be gritty at all, and in fact it should be a runnier paste than a stiff paste.

Try making your own with this homemade remineralizing toothpaste recipe or this homemade probiotic toothpaste recipe.

3. Coconut Oil Pulling

Can it be true? Coconut oil to clean your teeth? Just when you thought you heard it all when it comes to coconut oil, along it comes to the rescue as a natural teeth whitener.Some people are attesting to their teeth becoming whiter by applying coconut oil to their teeth after they brush.  But for most people, they are praising the results of oil pulling.  Simply put a spoonful of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it between your teeth for 5 to 20 minutes.  Or add a few drops to your toothbrush and simple brush it on, or add the coconut oil to a corner of a clean wash cloth and rub it on.  Also, coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it’s great for your gums as well.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

It makes sense that apple cider vinegar would eventually work as amouth gum cleaner and remove stubborn stains on the teeth, especially from coffee and nicotine. It has been proven that it does work as a natural teeth whitener but you have to be consistent and it takes a least a month of continuous usage to see results. Some say that using ACV looks like you just got your teeth professionally cleaned.  Be careful, as with all acids, it can remove the enamel on your teeth as well. After brushing with ACV, you will need to brush again with regular toothpaste, preferably a non fluoride paste, or rinse your mouth out really well.

5. Lemon or Orange Peels

There have been reports that lemon and or orange peels will also do the trick of whitening your teeth. Guess you don’t know until you try.  Here again, these food products are very healthy and good for your stomach but the acid content might eventually wear away the enamel on the teeth. So if you use lemon or orange peel always rinse afterwards to be on the safe side. A good oral mouth rinse is hydrogen peroxide because it keeps breath fresh by eliminating bad breath and also is a very good bacterial agent. Use half water and half hydrogen peroxide, swish around in your mouth and leave in for at least a full minute.

6. Strawberries

It has been said that Catherine Zeta Jones whitens her teeth with strawberries. Who would have thought? Tyra Banks tried this teeth whitening trick on her show. She simply mashed up about four or five strawberries and rubbed this yummy mixture all over her teeth. Tyra Banks teeth are already really white from having them bleached so you couldn’t really tell any difference. Some people say this really does work, and if Catherine Zeta Jones rubs her teeth with strawberries, it must be worth giving it a try.  Some people say this works right away. Rinse well afterwards.

Some Natural Whiteners Can Eradicate Enamel

Some teeth whiteners are just not a good idea to use, especially lemon juice.  The acid in the lemon juice does great for bleaching clothes, hair, and getting stains out of furniture, but you wouldn’t want to put lemon juice on your teeth as a mouth gum cleanerevery single day. Eventually, the acid creates tiny holes in your teeth and then every kind of staining type food will seep into these tiny holes and remain there. The acid from the lemons is so strong it just eventually wears away the teeth causing cavities.

Can Teeth Whitening Harm Teeth?

Apparently many people are going for the gusto to have whiter teeth and are turning it into an addiction. Here’s what one dentist had to say about teeth whitening strips. “There are people who can never get enough,” says New York City dentist Dr. Irwin Smigel, president of the American Society for Dental Aesthetics. “I’ve had situations where people have needed root canals because they’ve overbleached, where tissues were damaged. You can wear away some of the enamel and your teeth will become translucent and unnatural. They’ll become blue or blue gray.”

Research has shown that teeth whitening products can damage the teeth by removing the enamel. Constant application of whitening strips have been shown to cause erosion of enamel over time and results in tooth sensitivity, especially  with eating hot and cold liquids and foods.

Bottom line is whitening strips should be used in moderation. Teeth bleaching products should only be used under the guidance of your dentist. The best way to whiten teeth is by feeding your body lots of healthy foods for strong bones, teeth and gums and omitting coffee, tea and sugary foods in your diet. If you smoke, stop smoking. And brush and floss your teeth every day!


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